                 DAE Tools: cDAE module, www.daetools.com
                 Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <daetools.h>
using namespace daetools::logging;
using namespace daetools::core;
using namespace daetools::solver;
using namespace daetools::datareporting;
using namespace daetools::activity;
namespace vt = daetools::core::variable_types;

using units_pool::m;
using units_pool::kg;
using units_pool::K;
using units_pool::J;
using units_pool::W;
using units_pool::s;

class extfnPower : public daeScalarExternalFunction
    extfnPower(const std::string& strName, daeModel* pModel, const unit& units, adouble m, adouble cp, adouble dT)
        : daeScalarExternalFunction(strName, pModel, units)
        daeExternalFunctionArgumentMap_t mapArguments;
        mapArguments["m"]  = m;
        mapArguments["cp"] = cp;
        mapArguments["dT"] = dT;

    adouble Calculate(daeExternalFunctionArgumentValueMap_t& mapValues) const
        /* Calculate function is used to calculate a value and a derivative (if requested)
         * of the external function per given argument. Here the simple function is given by:
         *    f(m, cp, dT/dt) = m * cp * dT/dt
         * Procedure:
         * 1. Get the arguments from the dictionary values: {'arg-name' : adouble-object}.
         *    Every adouble object has two properties: Value and Derivative that can be
         *    used to evaluate function or its partial derivatives per its arguments
         *    (partial derivatives are used to fill in a Jacobian matrix necessary to solve
         *    a system of non-linear equations using the Newton method). */
        adouble m_     = boost::get<adouble>(mapValues["m"]);
        adouble cp_    = boost::get<adouble>(mapValues["cp"]);
        adouble dT_dt_ = boost::get<adouble>(mapValues["dT"]);

        double m     = m_.getValue();
        double cp    = cp_.getValue();
        double dT_dt = dT_dt_.getValue();

        double m_der     = m_.getDerivative();
        double cp_der    = cp_.getDerivative();
        double dT_dt_der = dT_dt_.getDerivative();

        /* 2. Always calculate the value of a function. */
        double value = m * cp * dT_dt;

        /* 3. If a function derivative per one of its arguments is requested,
         *    a derivative part of that argument will be non-zero.
         *    In that case, investigate which derivative is requested and calculate it
         *    using the chain rule: f'(x) = x' * df(x)/dx */
        double derivative = 0.0;
        if(m_der != 0)        // A derivative per 'm' was requested
            derivative = m_der * (cp * dT_dt);
        else if(cp_der != 0)  // A derivative per 'cp' was requested
            derivative = cp_der * (m * dT_dt);
        else if(dT_dt_der != 0) // A derivative per 'dT_dt' was requested
            derivative = dT_dt_der * (m * cp);

        //std::cout << (boost::format("m = %1%, cp = %2%, dT = %3%") % m % cp % dT).str() << std::endl;
        //std::cout << (boost::format("mcpdT = %1%") % (m*cp*dT)).str() << std::endl;

        // The result is 'adouble' object that contain both value and derivative
        return adouble(value, derivative);

class modTutorial14 : public daeModel
    daeParameter mass;
    daeParameter c_p;
    daeParameter alpha;
    daeParameter A;
    daeParameter T_surr;
    daeVariable Q_in;
    daeVariable T;
	daeSTN* stnRegulator;

    daeVariable Power;
    daeVariable Power_ext;
	std::shared_ptr<extfnPower> P;

    modTutorial14(std::string strName, daeModel* pParent = NULL, std::string strDescription = "")
      : daeModel(strName, pParent, strDescription),
        mass("m", kg, this, "Mass of the copper plate"),
        c_p("c_p", J/(kg*K), this, "Specific heat capacity of the plate"),
        alpha("&alpha;", W/((m^2)*K), this, "Heat transfer coefficient"),
        A("A", m^2, this, "Area of the plate"),
        T_surr("T_surr", K, this, "Temperature of the surroundings"),
        Q_in("Q_in", vt::power_t, this, "Power of the heater"),
        T("T", vt::temperature_t, this, "Temperature of the plate"),

        Power("Power", vt::power_t, this, "External function power"),
        Power_ext("Power_ext", vt::power_t, this, "External function power")

    void DeclareEquations(void)
        daeEquation* eq;

        eq = CreateEquation("HeatBalance", "Integral heat balance equation");
        eq->SetResidual( mass() * c_p() * T.dt() - Q_in() + alpha() * A() * (T() - T_surr()) );

        P = std::shared_ptr<extfnPower>(new extfnPower("Power", this, W, mass(), c_p(), T.dt()));

        eq = CreateEquation("Power", "");
        eq->SetResidual( Power() - mass() * c_p() * T.dt() );

        eq = CreateEquation("Power_ExternalFunction", "");
        eq->SetResidual( Power_ext() - (*P)() );

        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToCooling   = {{"Regulator", "Cooling"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToHeating   = {{"Regulator", "Heating"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToHeaterOff = {{"Regulator", "HeaterOff"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<daeVariableWrapper, adouble> >   setVariables;
        std::vector< std::pair<daeEventPort*, adouble> >        triggerEvents;
        std::vector<daeAction*>                                 userDefinedActions;

        stnRegulator = STN("Regulator");
            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is on");
            eq->SetResidual(Q_in() - Constant(1500*W));

            ON_CONDITION(T()    > Constant(340*K), switchToCooling,   setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);
            ON_CONDITION(Time() > Constant(350*s), switchToHeaterOff, setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);

            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is off");

            ON_CONDITION(Constant(320*K) > T(),    switchToHeating,   setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);
            ON_CONDITION(Constant(350*s) < Time(), switchToHeaterOff, setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);

            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is off");


class simTutorial14 : public daeSimulation
    modTutorial14 model;
    simTutorial14(void) : model("cdaeTutorial14")

    void SetUpParametersAndDomains(void)
        model.c_p.SetValue(385 * J/(kg*K));
        model.mass.SetValue(1 * kg);
        model.alpha.SetValue(200 * W/((m^2)*K));
        model.A.SetValue(0.1 * (m^2));
        model.T_surr.SetValue(283 * K);

    void SetUpVariables(void)

        model.T.SetInitialCondition(283 * K);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::unique_ptr<daeSimulation_t>    simulation  (new simTutorial14);
    std::unique_ptr<daeDataReporter_t>  datareporter(daeCreateTCPIPDataReporter());
    std::unique_ptr<daeDAESolver_t>     daesolver   (daeCreateIDASolver());
    std::unique_ptr<daeLog_t>           log         (daeCreateStdOutLog());

    datareporter->Connect("", "cdae_tutorial14-" + daetools::getFormattedDateTime());

    simulation->Initialize(daesolver.get(), datareporter.get(), log.get());