                 DAE Tools: cDAE module, www.daetools.com
                 Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In this example we use the same conduction problem as in the tutorial 1.
Here we introduce:
 - Discontinuous equations (non-symmetrical state transition networks: daeSTN statements)

Here, we have the similar problem as in the tutorial 4. The model is equivalent.
Again we have a piece of copper (a plate) is at one side exposed to the source of heat
and at the other to the surroundings. The process starts at the temperature of 283K.
The metal is allowed to warm up, and then its temperature is kept in the interval
[320 - 340] for at 350 seconds. After 350s the heat source is removed and the metal
cools down slowly again to the ambient temperature.

#include <daetools.h>
using namespace daetools::logging;
using namespace daetools::core;
using namespace daetools::solver;
using namespace daetools::datareporting;
using namespace daetools::activity;
namespace vt = daetools::core::variable_types;

using units_pool::m;
using units_pool::kg;
using units_pool::K;
using units_pool::J;
using units_pool::W;
using units_pool::s;

class modTutorial5 : public daeModel
    daeParameter mass;
    daeParameter c_p;
    daeParameter alpha;
    daeParameter A;
    daeParameter T_surr;
    daeVariable Q_in, Q1, Q2;
    daeVariable T;
    daeSTN* stnRegulator;

    modTutorial5(std::string strName, daeModel* pParent = NULL, std::string strDescription = "")
      : daeModel(strName, pParent, strDescription),
        mass("m", kg, this, "Mass of the copper plate"),
        c_p("c_p", J/(kg*K), this, "Specific heat capacity of the plate"),
        alpha("&alpha;", W/((m^2)*K), this, "Heat transfer coefficient"),
        A("A", m^2, this, "Area of the plate"),
        T_surr("T_surr", K, this, "Temperature of the surroundings"),
        Q_in("Q_in", vt::power_t, this, "Power of the heater"),
        T("T", vt::temperature_t, this, "Temperature of the plate")

    void DeclareEquations(void)
        daeEquation* eq;

        eq = CreateEquation("HeatBalance", "Integral heat balance equation");
        eq->SetResidual( mass() * c_p() * T.dt() - Q_in() + alpha() * A() * (T() - T_surr()) );

        Non-symmetrical STNs in DAE Tools can be created by using STN/STATE/END_STN statements.
        Again, states MUST contain the SAME NUMBER OF EQUATIONS.
        First start with the call to STN("STN_Name") function from daeModel class.
        If you need to change active states in operating procedure in function Run()
        store the stn reference (here in the stnRegulator object).
        After that call, define your states by calling the function STATE("State1") and write
        equations that will be active if this state (called 'State1') is active.

        Models and states can contain OnConditionActions and OnEventActions.
        OnConditionActions are trigerred when a specified logical condition is satisfied.
        OnEventActions are trigerred when a specified EventPort receives an event (more info in tutorial13.py).
        There are different types of actions that can be executed by a logical condition.
        In this example, we want to change the active states subject to given conditions and
        ON_CONDITION(logical_condition, switchToStates = [list_of_actions]) function will be used.
        Again, there is an optional argument eventTolerance, as explained in tutorial 4.

        Repeat this procedure for all states in the state transition network.
        Finally call the function END_STN() to finalize the state transition network.
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToCooling   = {{"Regulator", "Cooling"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToHeating   = {{"Regulator", "Heating"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >      switchToHeaterOff = {{"Regulator", "HeaterOff"}};
        std::vector< std::pair<daeVariableWrapper, adouble> >   setVariables;
        std::vector< std::pair<daeEventPort*, adouble> >        triggerEvents;
        std::vector<daeAction*>                                 userDefinedActions;

        stnRegulator = STN("Regulator");
            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is on");
            eq->SetResidual(Q_in() - Constant(1500*W));

            ON_CONDITION() function
              - Condition that triggers the actions
              - 'switchToStates' is a list of pairs (STN-name-relative-to-model, State-name) that will be set active
                  when the condition is satisified
              - 'triggerEvents' is a list of pairs (outlet-event-port, expression),
                  where the first part is the event-port object and the second a value to be sent when the event is triggered
              - 'setVariableValues' is a list of pairs (variable, expression); if the variable is differential it
                  will be reinitialized (using ReInitialize() function), otherwise it will be reassigned (using ReAssign() function)
              - 'userDefinedActions' is a list of user defined daeAction-derived objects (see tutorial13.py for more information)
            ON_CONDITION(T()    > Constant(340*K), switchToCooling,   setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);
            ON_CONDITION(Time() > Constant(350*s), switchToHeaterOff, setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);

            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is off");

            ON_CONDITION(Constant(320*K) > T(),    switchToHeating,   setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);
            ON_CONDITION(Constant(350*s) < Time(), switchToHeaterOff, setVariables, triggerEvents, userDefinedActions);

            eq = CreateEquation("Q_in", "The heater is off");


class simTutorial5 : public daeSimulation
    modTutorial5 model;
    simTutorial5(void) : model("cdaeTutorial5")

    void SetUpParametersAndDomains(void)
        model.c_p.SetValue(385 * J/(kg*K));
        model.mass.SetValue(1 * kg);
        model.alpha.SetValue(200 * W/((m^2)*K));
        model.A.SetValue(0.1 * (m^2));
        model.T_surr.SetValue(283 * K);

    void SetUpVariables(void)
        // Set the state active at the beginning (the default is the first declared state; here 'Heating')

        model.T.SetInitialCondition(283 * K);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::unique_ptr<daeSimulation_t>    simulation  (new simTutorial5);
    std::unique_ptr<daeDataReporter_t>  datareporter(daeCreateTCPIPDataReporter());
    std::unique_ptr<daeDAESolver_t>     daesolver   (daeCreateIDASolver());
    std::unique_ptr<daeLog_t>           log         (daeCreateStdOutLog());

    datareporter->Connect("", "cdae_tutorial5-" + daetools::getFormattedDateTime());

    simulation->Initialize(daesolver.get(), datareporter.get(), log.get());