/*********************************************************************************** OpenCS Project: www.daetools.com Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic ************************************************************************************ OpenCS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. OpenCS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the OpenCS software; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***********************************************************************************/ #ifndef BRUSSELATOR_GROUPS_MODEL_H #define BRUSSELATOR_GROUPS_MODEL_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <OpenCS/models/cs_number.h> #include <OpenCS/models/cs_kernel.h> #include <OpenCS/cs_model.h> using namespace cs; const char* simulation_options = #include "dae_example_3_groups-simulation_options.json" ; const char* simulation_options_mpi = #include "dae_example_3_groups-simulation_options_mpi.json" ; class BrusselatorGroups_2D { public: BrusselatorGroups_2D(int nx, int ny, const csNumber_t& bc_u_flux, const csNumber_t& bc_v_flux): Nx(nx), Ny(ny), u_flux_bc(bc_u_flux), v_flux_bc(bc_v_flux) { Nequations = 2*Nx*Ny; x0 = 0.0; x1 = 1.0; y0 = 0.0; y1 = 1.0; dx = (x1-x0) / (Nx-1); dy = (y1-y0) / (Ny-1); x_domain.resize(Nx); y_domain.resize(Ny); for(int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) x_domain[x] = x0 + x * dx; for(int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) y_domain[y] = y0 + y * dy; u_start_index = 0*Nx*Ny; v_start_index = 1*Nx*Ny; eps1 = 0.002; eps2 = 0.002; A = 1.000; B = 3.400; u_data = NULL; u_data = NULL; du_dt_data = NULL; dv_dt_data = NULL; } void SetInitialConditions(std::vector<real_t>& uv0) { int ix, iy; uv0.assign(Nequations, 0.0); real_t pi = 3.1415926535898; real_t Lx = x1 - x0; real_t Ly = y1 - y0; real_t* u_0 = &uv0[u_start_index]; real_t* v_0 = &uv0[v_start_index]; for(ix = 0; ix < Nx; ix++) { for(iy = 0; iy < Ny; iy++) { int index = getIndex(ix,iy); real_t x = x_domain[ix]; real_t y = y_domain[iy]; u_0[index] = 1.0 - 0.5 * std::cos(pi * y / Ly); v_0[index] = 3.5 - 2.5 * std::cos(pi * x / Lx); } } } void GetVariableNames(std::vector<std::string>& names) { const int bsize = 32; char buffer[bsize]; int index = 0; names.resize(Nequations); for(int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) { std::snprintf(buffer, bsize, "%s(%d,%d)", "u", x, y); names[index] = buffer; index++; } } for(int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) { std::snprintf(buffer, bsize, "%s(%d,%d)", "v", x, y); names[index] = buffer; index++; } } } void CreateEquations(const std::vector<csNumber_t>& values, const std::vector<csNumber_t>& derivs, csNumber_t time, std::vector<csEquation_t>& equations) { u_data = &values[u_start_index]; v_data = &values[v_start_index]; du_dt_data = &derivs[u_start_index]; dv_dt_data = &derivs[v_start_index]; equations.reserve(2*Nx*Ny); // Set groups as data members since they get out of scope once the CreateEquations function returns. group_BCs = csGroupPtr(new csGroup_t("BoundaryConditions", 1)); // the group for boundary conditions (group 1) group_u = csGroupPtr(new csGroup_t("Brusselator_u", 2)); // the group for u-component (group 2) group_v = csGroupPtr(new csGroup_t("Brusselator_v", 3)); // the group for v-component (group 3) csEquation_t equation(group_BCs.get()); // Belongs to the group "BoundaryConditions". csEquation_t equation_u(group_u.get()); // Belongs to the group "Brusselator_u" csEquation_t equation_v(group_v.get()); // Belongs to the group "Brusselator_v" for(int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) { /* u component */ if(x == 0) // Left BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = du_dx(x,y) - u_flux_bc; equation[ u(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(x == Nx-1) // Right BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = du_dx(x,y) - u_flux_bc; equation[ u(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(y == 0) // Bottom BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = du_dy(x,y) - u_flux_bc; equation[ u(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(y == Ny-1) // Top BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = du_dy(x,y) - u_flux_bc; equation[ u(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else { // Interior points csNumber_t u_pde = du_dt(x,y) /* accumulation term */ - eps1 * (d2u_dx2(x,y) + d2u_dy2(x,y)) /* diffusion term */ - (u(x,y)*u(x,y)*v(x,y) - (B+1)*u(x,y) + A); /* generation term */ equation_u[ u(x,y) ] = u_pde; equations.push_back(equation_u); } } } for(int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) { /* v component */ if(x == 0) // Left BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = dv_dx(x,y) - v_flux_bc; equation[ v(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(x == Nx-1) // Right BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = dv_dx(x,y) - v_flux_bc; equation[ v(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(y == 0) // Bottom BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = dv_dy(x,y) - v_flux_bc; equation[ v(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else if(y == Ny-1) // Top BC: Neumann BCs { csNumber_t bc = dv_dy(x,y) - v_flux_bc; equation[ v(x,y) ] = bc; equations.push_back(equation); } else { // Interior points csNumber_t v_pde = dv_dt(x,y) /* accumulation term */ - eps2 * (d2v_dx2(x,y) + d2v_dy2(x,y)) /* diffusion term */ + u(x,y)*u(x,y)*v(x,y) - B*u(x,y); /* generation term */ equation_v[ v(x,y) ] = v_pde; equations.push_back(equation_v); } } } } protected: csNumber_t u(int x, int y) { int index = getIndex(x,y); return u_data[index]; } csNumber_t v(int x, int y) { int index = getIndex(x,y); return v_data[index]; } csNumber_t du_dt(int x, int y) { int index = getIndex(x,y); return du_dt_data[index]; } csNumber_t dv_dt(int x, int y) { int index = getIndex(x,y); return dv_dt_data[index]; } // First order partial derivative per x. csNumber_t du_dx(int x, int y) { if(x == 0) // left { const csNumber_t& u0 = u(0, y); const csNumber_t& u1 = u(1, y); const csNumber_t& u2 = u(2, y); return (-3*u0 + 4*u1 - u2) / (2*dx); } else if(x == Nx-1) // right { const csNumber_t& un = u(Nx-1, y); const csNumber_t& un1 = u(Nx-1-1, y); const csNumber_t& un2 = u(Nx-1-2, y); return (3*un - 4*un1 + un2) / (2*dx); } else { const csNumber_t& u1 = u(x+1, y); const csNumber_t& u2 = u(x-1, y); return (u1 - u2) / (2*dx); } } csNumber_t dv_dx(int x, int y) { if(x == 0) // left { const csNumber_t& u0 = v(0, y); const csNumber_t& u1 = v(1, y); const csNumber_t& u2 = v(2, y); return (-3*u0 + 4*u1 - u2) / (2*dx); } else if(x == Nx-1) // right { const csNumber_t& un = v(Nx-1, y); const csNumber_t& un1 = v(Nx-1-1, y); const csNumber_t& un2 = v(Nx-1-2, y); return (3*un - 4*un1 + un2) / (2*dx); } else { const csNumber_t& u1 = v(x+1, y); const csNumber_t& u2 = v(x-1, y); return (u1 - u2) / (2*dx); } } // First order partial derivative per y. csNumber_t du_dy(int x, int y) { if(y == 0) // bottom { const csNumber_t& u0 = u(x, 0); const csNumber_t& u1 = u(x, 1); const csNumber_t& u2 = u(x, 2); return (-3*u0 + 4*u1 - u2) / (2*dy); } else if(y == Ny-1) // top { const csNumber_t& un = u(x, Ny-1 ); const csNumber_t& un1 = u(x, Ny-1-1); const csNumber_t& un2 = u(x, Ny-1-2); return (3*un - 4*un1 + un2) / (2*dy); } else { const csNumber_t& ui1 = u(x, y+1); const csNumber_t& ui2 = u(x, y-1); return (ui1 - ui2) / (2*dy); } } csNumber_t dv_dy(int x, int y) { if(y == 0) // bottom { const csNumber_t& u0 = v(x, 0); const csNumber_t& u1 = v(x, 1); const csNumber_t& u2 = v(x, 2); return (-3*u0 + 4*u1 - u2) / (2*dy); } else if(y == Ny-1) // top { const csNumber_t& un = v(x, Ny-1 ); const csNumber_t& un1 = v(x, Ny-1-1); const csNumber_t& un2 = v(x, Ny-1-2); return (3*un - 4*un1 + un2) / (2*dy); } else { const csNumber_t& ui1 = v(x, y+1); const csNumber_t& ui2 = v(x, y-1); return (ui1 - ui2) / (2*dy); } } // Second order partial derivative per x. csNumber_t d2u_dx2(int x, int y) { if(x == 0 || x == Nx-1) throw std::runtime_error("d2u_dx2 called at the boundary"); const csNumber_t& ui1 = u(x+1, y); const csNumber_t& ui = u(x, y); const csNumber_t& ui2 = u(x-1, y); return (ui1 - 2*ui + ui2) / (dx*dx); } csNumber_t d2v_dx2(int x, int y) { if(x == 0 || x == Nx-1) throw std::runtime_error("d2v_dx2 called at the boundary"); const csNumber_t& vi1 = v(x+1, y); const csNumber_t& vi = v(x, y); const csNumber_t& vi2 = v(x-1, y); return (vi1 - 2*vi + vi2) / (dx*dx); } // Second order partial derivative per y. csNumber_t d2u_dy2(int x, int y) { if(y == 0 || y == Ny-1) throw std::runtime_error("d2u_dy2 called at the boundary"); const csNumber_t& ui1 = u(x, y+1); const csNumber_t& ui = u(x, y); const csNumber_t& ui2 = u(x, y-1); return (ui1 - 2*ui + ui2) / (dy*dy); } csNumber_t d2v_dy2(int x, int y) { if(y == 0 || y == Ny-1) throw std::runtime_error("d2v_dy2 called at the boundary"); const csNumber_t& vi1 = v(x, y+1); const csNumber_t& vi = v(x, y); const csNumber_t& vi2 = v(x, y-1); return (vi1 - 2*vi + vi2) / (dy*dy); } int getIndex(int x, int y) { if(x < 0 || x >= Nx) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid x index"); if(y < 0 || y >= Ny) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid y index"); return Ny*x + y; } public: int Nequations; int Nx; int Ny; real_t eps1; real_t eps2; real_t A; real_t B; protected: int u_start_index; int v_start_index; real_t x0, x1; real_t y0, y1; real_t dx; real_t dy; std::vector<real_t> x_domain; std::vector<real_t> y_domain; const csNumber_t* u_data; const csNumber_t* v_data; const csNumber_t* du_dt_data; const csNumber_t* dv_dt_data; const csNumber_t& u_flux_bc; const csNumber_t& v_flux_bc; csGroupPtr group_BCs; csGroupPtr group_u; csGroupPtr group_v; }; // Problem-specific custom graph partitioner. // Adds complete rows to a partition so that each partition gets equations from all groups. class csGraphPartitioner_dae_example_3: public csGraphPartitioner_t { public: csGraphPartitioner_dae_example_3(uint32_t Nx_, uint32_t Ny_) { Nx = Nx_; Ny = Ny_; } std::string GetName() { return "dae_example_3"; } virtual int Partition(int32_t Npe, int32_t Nvertices, int32_t Nconstraints, std::vector<uint32_t>& rowIndices, std::vector<uint32_t>& colIndices, std::vector< std::vector<int32_t> >& vertexWeights, std::vector<uint16_t>& groupIDs, std::vector< std::set<int32_t> >& partitions) { if(Nvertices != 2*Nx*Ny) csThrowException("Invalid number of equations or grid points"); if(Nx % Npe != 0) csThrowException("Nx: Graph partitioner can handle only grids that are multiples of Npe"); if(Ny % Npe != 0) csThrowException("Ny: Graph partitioner can handle only grids that are multiples of Npe"); partitions.resize(Npe); uint32_t Nequations_pe = (uint32_t)((Nx*Ny) / Npe); uint32_t eq_cnt = 0; uint32_t pe = 0; printf("(%d,%d) Nequations_pe = %d, Nvertices = %d\n", (int)Nx, (int)Ny, (int)Nequations_pe, (int)Nvertices); for(uint32_t x = 0; x < Nx; x++) { for(uint32_t y = 0; y < Ny; y++) { pe = std::floor(eq_cnt / Nequations_pe); std::set<int32_t>& partition = partitions[pe]; partition.insert(eq_cnt); partition.insert(eq_cnt + Nx*Ny); //printf("(%d,%d) pe = %d\n", (int)x, (int)y, (int)pe); eq_cnt++; } } return 0; } // Grid size uint32_t Nx; uint32_t Ny; }; std::shared_ptr<csGraphPartitioner_t> createGraphPartitioner_dae_example_3(uint32_t Nx, uint32_t Ny) { return std::shared_ptr<csGraphPartitioner_t>(new csGraphPartitioner_dae_example_3(Nx, Ny)); } #endif