Source code for daetools.code_generators.formatter
DAE Tools: pyDAE module,
Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <>.
import sys, numpy, math, traceback
from daetools.pyDAE import *
[docs]class daeExpressionFormatter(object):
def __init__(self):
# Equation and condition node formatting settings
# Index base in arrays:
# - Modelica, gPROMS use 1
# - daetools, python, c/c++ use 0
# - FMI not relevant (variables are flattened)
self.indexBase = 0
self.useFlattenedNamesForAssignedVariables = False
self.IDs = {}
self.indexMap = {}
# Use relative names (relative to domains/parameters/variables model) or full canonical names
# If we are in model root.comp1 then variables' names could be:
# if useRelativeNames is True:
# name = 'comp2.Var' (relative to parent comp1)
# else:
# name = 'root.comp1.comp2.Var' (full canonical name)
self.useRelativeNames = True
self.flattenIdentifiers = False
self.domain = '{domain}[{index}]'
self.parameter = '{parameter}({indexes})'
self.parameterIndexStart = ''
self.parameterIndexEnd = ''
self.parameterIndexDelimiter = ','
self.variable = '{variable}({indexes})'
self.variableIndexStart = ''
self.variableIndexEnd = ''
self.variableIndexDelimiter = ','
self.assignedVariable = '{variable}'
# String format for the time derivative, ie. der(variable[1,2]) in Modelica
# daetools use: variable.dt(1,2), gPROMS $variable(1,2) ...
self.derivative = '{variable}.dt({indexes})'
self.derivativeIndexStart = ''
self.derivativeIndexEnd = ''
self.derivativeIndexDelimiter = ','
self.feMatrixItem = '{value}'
self.feVectorItem = '{value}'
# Constants
self.constant = '{value}'
# External functions
self.scalarExternalFunction = '{name}()'
self.vectorExternalFunction = '{name}()'
# Logical operators
self.AND = '{leftValue} and {rightValue}'
self.OR = '{leftValue} or {rightValue}'
self.NOT = 'not {value}'
self.EQ = '{leftValue} == {rightValue}'
self.NEQ = '{leftValue} != {rightValue}'
self.LT = '{leftValue} < {rightValue}'
self.LTEQ = '{leftValue} <= {rightValue}'
self.GT = '{leftValue} > {rightValue}'
self.GTEQ = '{leftValue} >= {rightValue}'
# Mathematical operators
self.SIGN = '-{value}'
self.PLUS = '{leftValue} + {rightValue}'
self.MINUS = '{leftValue} - {rightValue}'
self.MULTI = '{leftValue} * {rightValue}'
self.DIVIDE = '{leftValue} / {rightValue}'
self.POWER = '{leftValue} ^ {rightValue}'
# Mathematical functions
self.SIN = 'sin({value})'
self.COS = 'cos({value})'
self.TAN = 'tan({value})'
self.ASIN = 'asin({value})'
self.ACOS = 'acos({value})'
self.ATAN = 'atan({value})'
self.EXP = 'exp({value})'
self.SQRT = 'sqrt({value})'
self.LOG = 'log({value})'
self.LOG10 = 'log10({value})'
self.FLOOR = 'floor({value})'
self.CEIL = 'ceil({value})'
self.ABS = 'abs({value})'
self.SINH = 'sinh({value})'
self.COSH = 'cosh({value})'
self.TANH = 'tanh({value})'
self.ASINH = 'asinh({value})'
self.ACOSH = 'acosh({value})'
self.ATANH = 'atanh({value})'
self.ERF = 'erf({value})'
self.MIN = 'min({leftValue}, {rightValue})'
self.MAX = 'max({leftValue}, {rightValue})'
self.ARCTAN2 = 'atan2({leftValue}, {rightValue})'
# Current time in simulation
self.TIME = 'time'
# Internal data: model will be set by the analyzer
self.modelCanonicalName = None
formatQuantity(), formatQuantity(), and formatNumpyArray() are commonly defined in derived classes
[docs] def formatQuantity(self, quantity):
# Formats constants/quantities in equations that have a value and units
return '{{{0} {1}}}'.format(quantity.value, self.formatUnits(quantity.units))
[docs] def formatUnits(self, units):
# Format: m kg^2/(s^2) meaning m * kg**2 / s**2
positive = []
negative = []
for u, exp in list(units.toDict().items()):
if exp >= 0:
if exp == 1:
elif int(exp) == exp:
positive.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, int(exp)))
positive.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, exp))
for u, exp in list(units.toDict().items()):
if exp < 0:
if exp == -1:
elif int(exp) == exp:
negative.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, int(math.fabs(exp))))
negative.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, math.fabs(exp)))
if len(positive) == 0:
sPositive = 'rad'
sPositive = ' '.join(positive)
if len(negative) == 0:
sNegative = ''
elif len(negative) == 1:
sNegative = '/' + ' '.join(negative)
sNegative = '/(' + ' '.join(negative) + ')'
return sPositive + sNegative
[docs] def formatNumpyArray(self, arr):
if isinstance(arr, (numpy.ndarray, list)):
return '[' + ', '.join([self.formatNumpyArray(val) for val in arr]) + ']'
return str(arr)
[docs] def formatIdentifier(self, identifier):
# Removes illegal characters from domains/parameters/variables/ports/models/... names
return identifier.replace('&', '').replace(';', '').replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_').replace(',', '_').replace(' ', '').replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace('\\', '')
[docs] def flattenIdentifier(self, identifier):
# Removes illegal characters from domains/parameters/variables/ports/models/... names
return identifier.replace('.', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_').replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_').replace(',', '_').replace(' ', '').replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace('\\', '')
[docs] def formatDomain(self, domainCanonicalName, index, value):
# ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG!! Take care of indexing of the domain index
if self.useRelativeNames:
name = daeGetRelativeName(self.modelCanonicalName, domainCanonicalName)
name = domainCanonicalName
# Always remove illegal characters
name = self.formatIdentifier(name)
if self.flattenIdentifiers:
name = self.flattenIdentifier(name)
indexes = str(index + self.indexBase)
res = self.domain.format(domain = name, index = indexes, value = value)
return res
[docs] def formatParameter(self, parameterCanonicalName, domainIndexes, value):
# ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG!! Take care of indexing of the domainIndexes
if self.useRelativeNames:
name = daeGetRelativeName(self.modelCanonicalName, parameterCanonicalName)
name = parameterCanonicalName
# Always remove illegal characters
name = self.formatIdentifier(name)
if self.flattenIdentifiers:
name = self.flattenIdentifier(name)
domainindexes = ''
if len(domainIndexes) > 0:
domainindexes = self.parameterIndexStart + self.parameterIndexDelimiter.join([str(di+self.indexBase) for di in domainIndexes]) + self.parameterIndexEnd
res = self.parameter.format(parameter = name, indexes = domainindexes, value = value)
return res
[docs] def formatVariable(self, variableCanonicalName, domainIndexes, overallIndex):
# ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG!! Take care of indexing of the overallIndex and the domainIndexes
overall_ = overallIndex + self.indexBase
if overallIndex in self.indexMap:
block_ = self.indexMap[overallIndex] + self.indexBase
block_ = -1
if self.useFlattenedNamesForAssignedVariables and (self.IDs[overallIndex] == cnAssigned):
name = daeGetRelativeName(self.modelCanonicalName, variableCanonicalName)
# Always remove illegal characters
name = self.formatIdentifier(name)
# Flatten the name as requested
name = self.flattenIdentifier(name)
domainindexes = ''
if len(domainIndexes) > 0:
domainindexes = '_' + '_'.join([str(di+self.indexBase) for di in domainIndexes])
res = self.assignedVariable.format(variable = name+domainindexes, overallIndex = overall_, blockIndex = block_)
if self.useRelativeNames:
name = daeGetRelativeName(self.modelCanonicalName, variableCanonicalName)
name = variableCanonicalName
# Always remove illegal characters
name = self.formatIdentifier(name)
if self.flattenIdentifiers:
name = self.flattenIdentifier(name)
domainindexes = ''
if len(domainIndexes) > 0:
domainindexes = self.variableIndexStart + self.variableIndexDelimiter.join([str(di+self.indexBase) for di in domainIndexes]) + self.variableIndexEnd
res = self.variable.format(variable = name, indexes = domainindexes, overallIndex = overall_, blockIndex = block_)
return res
[docs] def formatTimeDerivative(self, variableCanonicalName, domainIndexes, overallIndex):
# ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG!! Take care of indexing of the overallIndex and the domainIndexes
if self.useRelativeNames:
name = daeGetRelativeName(self.modelCanonicalName, variableCanonicalName)
name = variableCanonicalName
# Always remove illegal characters
name = self.formatIdentifier(name)
if self.flattenIdentifiers:
name = self.flattenIdentifier(name)
overall_ = overallIndex + self.indexBase
if overallIndex in self.indexMap:
block_ = self.indexMap[overallIndex] + self.indexBase
block_ = -1
domainindexes = ''
if len(domainIndexes) > 0:
domainindexes = self.derivativeIndexStart + self.derivativeIndexDelimiter.join([str(di+self.indexBase) for di in domainIndexes]) + self.derivativeIndexEnd
res = self.derivative.format(variable = name, indexes = domainindexes, overallIndex = overall_, blockIndex = block_)
return res
[docs] def formatRuntimeConditionNode(self, node):
res = ''
if isinstance(node, condUnaryNode):
value = '(' + self.formatRuntimeConditionNode(node.Node) + ')'
if node.LogicalOperator == eNot:
res = self.NOT.format(value = value)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported unary logical operator')
elif isinstance(node, condBinaryNode):
leftValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeConditionNode(node.LNode) + ')'
rightValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeConditionNode(node.RNode) + ')'
if node.LogicalOperator == eAnd:
res = self.AND.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.LogicalOperator == eOr:
res = self.OR.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported binary logical operator')
elif isinstance(node, condExpressionNode):
leftValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeNode(node.LNode) + ')'
rightValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeNode(node.RNode) + ')'
if node.ConditionType == eNotEQ: # !=
res = self.NEQ.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.ConditionType == eEQ: # ==
res = self.EQ.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.ConditionType == eGT: # >
res = self.GT.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.ConditionType == eGTEQ: # >=
res = self.GTEQ.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.ConditionType == eLT: # <
res = self.LT.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.ConditionType == eLTEQ: # <=
res = self.LTEQ.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported condition type: %s' % node.ConditionType)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported condition node: {0}'.format(type(node)))
return res
[docs] def formatRuntimeNode(self, node):
res = ''
if isinstance(node, adConstantNode):
value = node.Quantity.value
units = self.formatUnits(node.Quantity.units)
res = self.constant.format(value = value, units = units)
elif isinstance(node, adTimeNode):
res = self.TIME
elif isinstance(node, adUnaryNode):
value = '(' + self.formatRuntimeNode(node.Node) + ')'
if node.Function == eSign:
res = self.SIGN.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eSqrt:
res = self.SQRT.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eExp:
res = self.EXP.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eLog:
res = self.LOG10.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eLn:
res = self.LOG.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eAbs:
res = self.ABS.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eSin:
res = self.SIN.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eCos:
res = self.COS.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eTan:
res = self.TAN.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcSin:
res = self.ASIN.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcCos:
res = self.ACOS.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcTan:
res = self.ATAN.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eCeil:
res = self.CEIL.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eFloor:
res = self.FLOOR.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eSinh:
res = self.SINH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eCosh:
res = self.COSH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eTanh:
res = self.TANH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcSinh:
res = self.ASINH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcCosh:
res = self.ACOSH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eArcTanh:
res = self.ATANH.format(value = value)
elif node.Function == eErf:
res = self.ERF.format(value = value)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported unary function: %s' % node.Function)
elif isinstance(node, adBinaryNode):
leftValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeNode(node.LNode) + ')'
rightValue = '(' + self.formatRuntimeNode(node.RNode) + ')'
if node.Function == ePlus:
res = self.PLUS.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eMinus:
res = self.MINUS.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eMulti:
res = self.MULTI.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eDivide:
res = self.DIVIDE.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == ePower:
res = self.POWER.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eMin:
res = self.MIN.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eMax:
res = self.MAX.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
elif node.Function == eArcTan2:
res = self.ARCTAN2.format(leftValue = leftValue, rightValue = rightValue)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported binary function: %s' % node.Function)
elif isinstance(node, adScalarExternalFunctionNode):
name = node.ExternalFunction.Name
res = self.scalarExternalFunction.format(name = name)
elif isinstance(node, adVectorExternalFunctionNode):
name = node.ExternalFunction.Name
res = self.vectorExternalFunction.format(name = name)
elif isinstance(node, adDomainIndexNode):
res = self.formatDomain(node.Domain.CanonicalName, node.Index, node.Value)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeParameterNode):
res = self.formatParameter(node.Parameter.CanonicalName, node.DomainIndexes, node.Value)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeVariableNode):
res = self.formatVariable(node.Variable.CanonicalName, node.DomainIndexes, node.OverallIndex)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeTimeDerivativeNode):
res = self.formatTimeDerivative(node.Variable.CanonicalName, node.DomainIndexes, node.OverallIndex)
elif isinstance(node, adFEMatrixItemNode):
#raise RuntimeError('Finite Elements equations are not supported for code generation, node: %s' % type(node))
res = self.feMatrixItem.format(matrixName = node.MatrixName, row = node.Row, column = node.Column, value = node.Value)
elif isinstance(node, adFEVectorItemNode):
#raise RuntimeError('Finite Elements equations are not supported for code generation, node: %s' % type(node))
res = self.feVectorItem.format(vectorName = node.VectorName, row = node.Row, value = node.Value)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported node: %s' % type(node))
return res