Source code for daetools.code_generators.opencs

                DAE Tools: pyDAE module,
                Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <>.
import os, shutil, sys, numpy, json
from daetools.pyDAE import *
from .code_generator import daeCodeGenerator
import pyOpenCS
from pyOpenCS import csModelBuilder_t, csNumber_t, csSimulate

[docs]class daeCodeGenerator_OpenCS(daeCodeGenerator): """ Limitations: - Discontinuous equations (STNs and IFs) are not supported - External functions are not supported - Thermo-physical property packages are not supported """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def generateSimulation(self, simulation, inputFilesDirectory, Npe = 1, graphPartitioner = None, simulationOptions = None, logPartitionResults = False, balancingConstraints = [], unaryOperationsFlops = {}, binaryOperationsFlops = {}): # Check input arguments. if not simulation: raise RuntimeError('Invalid simulation object') if Npe <= 0: raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of processing elements') if Npe > 1 and graphPartitioner == None: raise RuntimeError('Graph partitioner must be specified for Npe > 1') for constraint in balancingConstraints: if constraint != 'Ncs' and constraint != 'Nflops' and constraint != 'Nnz' and constraint != 'Nflops_j': raise RuntimeError('Invalid balancing constraint: %s' % constraint) if simulationOptions: if not isinstance(simulationOptions, (dict, str)): raise RuntimeError('Invalid simulation options specified (must be a dictionary or a string)') # Create input files directory if not os.path.isdir(inputFilesDirectory): os.makedirs(inputFilesDirectory) # Instantiate Model Builder modelBuilder = csModelBuilder_t() # Collect the OpenCS model data from DAE Tools simulation and call # DAE Tools-specific function in pyOpenCS that initialises the OpenCS model. mb_data = simulation.GetOpenCSModelData() modelBuilder.Initialise_DAETools_DAE_System(mb_data) # Set user-defined simulation options, otherwise the default ones will be used. # This will also check validity of the specified simulation options. if simulationOptions: if isinstance(simulationOptions, dict): options_s = simulationOptions else: # it is a string options_s = json.loads(simulationOptions) modelBuilder.SimulationOptions = options_s # Set mandatory simulation options. options = modelBuilder.SimulationOptions options['Simulation']['TimeHorizon'] = simulation.TimeHorizon options['Simulation']['ReportingInterval'] = simulation.ReportingInterval options['Solver']['Parameters']['RelativeTolerance'] = simulation.RelativeTolerance modelBuilder.SimulationOptions = options # Partition the system and generate OpenCS models. cs_models = modelBuilder.PartitionSystem(Npe, graphPartitioner, balancingConstraints = balancingConstraints, logPartitionResults = False, unaryOperationsFlops = unaryOperationsFlops, binaryOperationsFlops = binaryOperationsFlops) csModelBuilder_t.ExportModels(cs_models, inputFilesDirectory, modelBuilder.SimulationOptions)
#csSimulate(inputFilesDirectory) @property def defaultSimulationOptions_DAE(self): return csModelBuilder_t.GetDefaultSimulationOptions_DAE() @property def defaultSimulationOptions_ODE(self): return csModelBuilder_t.GetDefaultSimulationOptions_ODE()