7.1. Module pyCore

7.1.1. Key modelling concepts Classes






Base model class.






















class daeVariableType
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (unit)units, (float)lowerBound, (float)upperBound, (float)initialGuess, (float)absTolerance[, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)valueConstraint=pyCore.daeeVariableValueConstraint.eNoConstraint]) None
property AbsoluteTolerance
property InitialGuess
property LowerBound
property Name
property Units
property UpperBound
property ValueConstraint
class daeObject
property CanonicalName
property Description
GetNameRelativeToParentModel((daeObject)self) str
GetStrippedName((daeObject)self) str
GetStrippedNameRelativeToParentModel((daeObject)self) str
property ID
property Library
property Model
property Name
property Version
class daeDomain
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (daeModel)parentModel, (unit)units[, (str)description='']) None

__init__( (object)self, (str)name, (daePort)parentPort, (unit)units [, (str)description=’’]) -> None

__getitem__((daeDomain)self, (int)index) adouble
__call__((daeDomain)self, (int)index) adouble
property Coordinates
CreateArray((daeDomain)self, (int)noPoints) None
CreateStructuredGrid((daeDomain)self, (int)numberOfIntervals, (quantity)qlowerBound, (quantity)qupperBound) None

CreateStructuredGrid( (daeDomain)self, (int)numberOfIntervals, (float)lowerBound, (float)upperBound) -> None

CreateUnstructuredGrid((daeDomain)self, (list)coordinates) None
property LowerBound
property NumberOfIntervals
property NumberOfPoints
property Points
property Type
property Units
property UpperBound
array((daeDomain)self, (object)indexes) adouble_array
class daeParameter
__init__((object)arg1, (str)name, (unit)units, (daeModel)parentModel[, (str)description=''[, (list)domains=[]]]) object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)name, (unit)units, (daePort)parentPort [, (str)description=’’ [, (list)domains=[]]]) -> object

GetValue((daeParameter)self[, (int)index1[, ...[, (int)index8]]]) float

Gets the value of the parameter at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on.

GetQuantity((daeParameter)self[, (int)index1[, ...[, (int)index8]]]) quantity

Gets the value of the parameter at the specified domain indexes as the quantity object (with value and units). How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on.

SetValue((daeParameter)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)value) None

Sets the value of the parameter at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on.

SetValue((daeParameter)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)value) None

Sets the value of the parameter at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on.

SetValues((daeParameter)self, (float)values) None

Sets all values using a single float value.

SetValues((daeParameter)self, (quantity)values) None

Sets all values using a single quantity object.

SetValues((daeParameter)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))values) None

Sets all values using a numpy array of simple floats or quantity objects.

array((daeParameter)self[, (object)index1[, ...[, (object)index8]]]) adouble_array

Gets the array of parameter’s values at the specified domain indexes (used to build equation residuals only). How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on. Argument types can be one of the following:

  • daeIndexRange object

  • plain integer (to select a single index from a domain)

  • python list (to select a list of indexes from a domain)

  • python slice (to select a range of indexes from a domain: start_index, end_index, step)

  • character '*' (to select all points from a domain)

  • empty python list [] (to select all points from a domain)

__call__((daeParameter)self[, (int)index1[, ...[, (int)index8]]]) adouble

Gets the value of the parameter at the specified domain indexes (used to build equation residuals only). How many arguments index1, …, index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the parameter is distributed on.

DistributeOnDomain((daeParameter)self, (daeDomain)domain) None
property Domains
GetDomainsIndexesMap((daeParameter)self, (int)indexBase) dict
property NumberOfPoints
property ReportingOn
property Units
property npyValues
class daeVariable
__init__((object)arg1, (str)name, (daeVariableType)variableType, (daeModel)parentModel[, (str)description=''[, (list)domains=[]]]) object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)name, (daeVariableType)variableType, (daePort)parentPort [, (str)description=’’ [, (list)domains=[]]]) -> object

GetValue((daeVariable)self[, (int)index1[, ...[, (int)index8]]]) float

Gets the value of the variable at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the variable is distributed on.

GetQuantity((daeVariable)self[, (int)index1[, ...[, (int)index8]]]) quantity

Gets the value of the variable at the specified domain indexes as the quantity object (with value and units). How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the variable is distributed on.

SetValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)value) None

Sets the value of the variable at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the variable is distributed on.

SetValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)value) None

Sets the value of the variable at the specified domain indexes. How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the variable is distributed on.

SetValues((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))values) None

Sets all values using a numpy array of simple floats or quantity objects.

AssignValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)value) None
AssignValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)value) None
AssignValues((daeVariable)self, (float)values) None
AssignValues((daeVariable)self, (quantity)values) None
AssignValues((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))values) None
ReAssignValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)value) None
ReAssignValue((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)value) None
ReAssignValues((daeVariable)self, (float)values) None
ReAssignValues((daeVariable)self, (quantity)values) None
ReAssignValues((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))values) None
SetInitialCondition((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)initialCondition) None
SetInitialCondition((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)initialCondition) None
SetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (float)initialConditions) None
SetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (quantity)initialConditions) None
SetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))initialConditions) None
ReSetInitialCondition((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)initialCondition) None
ReSetInitialCondition((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)initialCondition) None
ReSetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (float)initialConditions) None
ReSetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (quantity)initialConditions) None
ReSetInitialConditions((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))initialConditions) None
SetInitialGuess((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](float)initialGuess) None
SetInitialGuess((daeVariable)self, [(int)index1, [..., [(int)index8, ]]](quantity)initialGuess) None
SetInitialGuesses((daeVariable)self, (float)initialGuesses) None
SetInitialGuesses((daeVariable)self, (quantity)initialGuesses) None
SetInitialGuesses((daeVariable)self, (ndarray(dtype=float|quantity))initialGuesses) None
SetAbsoluteTolerances((daeVariable)self, (float)tolerances) None
array((daeVariable)self[, (object)index1[, ...[, (object)index8]]]) adouble_array

Gets the array of variable’s values at the specified domain indexes (used to build equation residuals only). How many arguments index1, ..., index8 are used depends on the number of domains that the variable is distributed on. Argument types are the same as those described in pyCore.daeParameter.array()

property BlockIndexes
DistributeOnDomain((daeVariable)self, (daeDomain)domain) None
property Domains
GetDomainsIndexesMap((daeVariable)self, (int)indexBase) dict
property NumberOfPoints
property OverallIndex
property ReportingOn
SetValueConstraint((daeVariable)arg1, (list)arg2, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg3) None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg2) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg3) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg4) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg5) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg6) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (int)arg6, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg7) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (int)arg6, (int)arg7, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg8) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (int)arg6, (int)arg7, (int)arg8, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg9) -> None

SetValueConstraint( (daeVariable)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (int)arg6, (int)arg7, (int)arg8, (int)arg9, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg10) -> None

SetValueConstraints((daeVariable)arg1, (daeeVariableValueConstraint)arg2) None

SetValueConstraints( (daeVariable)arg1, (object)arg2) -> None

property Type
property VariableType
property npyGatheredIDs
property npyIDs
property npyTimeDerivatives
property npyValues
class daeModel

Base model class.

__init__((object)self, (str)name[, (daeModel)parentModel=0[, (str)description='']]) None :


property ComponentArrays

A list of arrays of components in the model.

property Components

A list of components in the model.

property ComputeStack
ConnectEventPorts((daeModel)self, (daeEventPort)portFrom, (daeEventPort)portTo) None :

Connects two event ports.

ConnectPorts((daeModel)self, (daePort)portFrom, (daePort)portTo) None :

Connects two ports.

CreateEquation((daeModel)self, (str)name[, (str)description=''[, (float)scaling=1.0]]) daeEquation :

Creates a new equation. Used to add equations to models or states in state transition networks

DeclareEquations((daeModel)self) None :

User-defined function where all model equations ans state transition networks are declared. Must be always implemented in derived classes.

DeclareEquations( (daeModel)self) -> None

property Domains

A list of domains in the model.

ELSE((daeModel)self[, (str)stateDescription='']) None :

Adds the last state to a reversible state transition network.

ELSE_IF((daeModel)self, (daeCondition)condition[, (float)eventTolerance=0.0[, (str)stateName=''[, (str)stateDescription='']]]) None :

Adds a new state to a reversible state transition network.

END_IF((daeModel)self) None :

Finalises a reversible state transition network.

END_STN((daeModel)self) None :


property Equations

A list of equations in the model.

property EventPortConnections

A list of event port connections in the model.

property EventPorts

A list of event ports in the model.

GetCoSimulationInterface((daeModel)self) dict
GetFMIInterface((daeModel)self) dict
IF((daeModel)self, (daeCondition)condition[, (float)eventTolerance=0.0[, (str)ifName=''[, (str)ifDescription=''[, (str)stateName=''[, (str)stateDescription='']]]]]) None :

Creates a reversible state transition network and adds the first state.

property InitialConditionMode

A mode used to calculate initial conditions …

InitializeModel((daeModel)self, (str)jsonInit) None
property IsModelDynamic

Boolean flag that determines whether the model is synamic or steady-state.

property ModelType

A type of the model ().

ON_CONDITION((daeModel)self, (daeCondition)condition[, (list)switchToStates=[][, (list)setVariableValues=[][, (list)triggerEvents=[][, (list)userDefinedActions=[][, (float)eventTolerance=0.0]]]]]) None :


ON_EVENT((daeModel)self, (daeEventPort)eventPort[, (list)switchToStates=[][, (list)setVariableValues=[][, (list)triggerEvents=[][, (list)userDefinedActions=[]]]]]) None :


property OnConditionActions

A list of OnCondition actions in the model.

property OnEventActions

A list of OnEvent actions in the model.

property OverallIndex_BlockIndex_VariableNameMap
property Parameters

A list of parameters in the model.

property PortArrays

A list of arrays of ports in the model.

property PortConnections

A list of port connections in the model.

property Ports

A list of ports in the model.

PropagateDomain((daeModel)arg1, (daeDomain)arg2) None :


PropagateParameter((daeModel)arg1, (daeParameter)arg2) None :


STATE((daeModel)self, (str)stateName[, (str)stateDescription='']) daeState :


STN((daeModel)self, (str)stnName[, (str)stnDescription='']) daeSTN :


property STNs

A list of state transition networks in the model.

SWITCH_TO((daeModel)self, (str)targetState, (daeCondition)condition[, (float)eventTolerance=0.0]) None :


SaveModelReport((daeModel)self, (str)xmlFilename) None :


SaveRuntimeModelReport((daeModel)self, (str)xmlFilename) None :


SetReportingOn((daeModel)self, (bool)reportingOn) None :

Switches the reporting of the model variables/parameters to the data reporter on or off.

UpdateEquations((daeModel)self) None

UpdateEquations( (daeModel)self) -> None

property Variables

A list of variables in the model.

property dictComponentArrays

A list of arrays of components in the model.

property dictComponents

A list of components in the model.

property dictDomains

A list of domains in the model.

property dictEquations

A list of equations in the model.

property dictEventPortConnections

A list of event port connections in the model.

property dictEventPorts

A list of event ports in the model.

property dictOnConditionActions

A list of OnCondition actions in the model.

property dictOnEventActions

A list of OnEvent actions in the model.

property dictParameters

A list of parameters in the model.

property dictPortArrays

A list of arrays of ports in the model.

property dictPortConnections

A list of port connections in the model.

property dictPorts

A list of ports in the model.

property dictSTNs

A list of state transition networks in the model.

property dictVariables

A list of variables in the model.

class daeEquation
property BuildJacobianExpressions
property CheckUnitsConsistency
DistributeOnDomain((daeEquation)self, (daeDomain)domain, (daeeDomainBounds)domainBounds[, (str)name='']) daeDEDI

DistributeOnDomain( (daeEquation)self, (daeDomain)domain, (list)domainIndexes [, (str)name=’’]) -> daeDEDI

property DistributedEquationDomainInfos
property EquationExecutionInfos
property EquationType
property Residual
property Scaling
property SimplifyExpressions
class daeEquationExecutionInfo
property ComputeStack
property DiffVariableIndexes
property Equation
property EquationIndex
property EquationType
GetComputeStackInfo((daeEquationExecutionInfo)self[, (dict)unaryOps={}[, (dict)binaryOps={}]]) tuple
property JacobianExpressions
property Name
property Node
property VariableIndexes
class daeSTN
property ActiveState
property States
property Type
property dictStates
class daeIF
class daeState
property Equations
property NestedSTNs
property OnConditionActions
property OnEventActions
class daePort
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (daeePortType)type, (daeModel)parentModel[, (str)description='']) None
property Domains
Export((daePort)self, (str)content, (daeeModelLanguage)language, (daeModelExportContext)context) None
property Parameters
SetReportingOn((daePort)self, (bool)reportingOn) None
property Type
property Variables
property dictDomains
property dictParameters
property dictVariables
class daeEventPort
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (daeePortType)type, (daeModel)parentModel[, (str)description='']) None
property EventData
property Events
ReceiveEvent((daeEventPort)self, (float)data) None
property RecordEvents
SendEvent((daeEventPort)self, (float)data) None
property Type
class daePortConnection
property Equations
property PortFrom
property PortTo
class daeEventPortConnection
property PortFrom
property PortTo
class daeScalarExternalFunction
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (daeModel)parentModel, (unit)units, (dict)arguments) None
__call__((daeScalarExternalFunction)self) adouble
Calculate((daeScalarExternalFunction)self, (dict)values) object

Calculate( (daeScalarExternalFunction)arg1, (dict)arg2) -> None

property Name
class daeVectorExternalFunction
__init__((object)self, (str)name, (daeModel)parentModel, (unit)units, (int)numberOfResults, (dict)arguments) None
__call__((daeVectorExternalFunction)self) adouble_array
Calculate((daeVectorExternalFunction)self, (dict)values) object

Calculate( (daeVectorExternalFunction)arg1, (dict)arg2) -> None

property Name
property NumberOfResults
class daeDomainIndex
__init__((object)self, (int)index) None

__init__( (object)self, (daeDomain)domain, (int)dummy) -> None

__init__( (object)self, (daeDEDI)dedi) -> None

__init__( (object)self, (daeDEDI)dedi, (int)increment) -> None

__init__( (object)self, (daeDomainIndex)domainIndex) -> None

property DEDI
property Increment
property Index
property Type
class daeIndexRange
__init__((object)self, (daeDomain)domain) None

__init__( (object)arg1, (daeDomain)arg2, (list)arg3) -> object

__init__( (object)self, (daeDomain)domain, (int)startIndex, (int)endIndex, (int)step) -> None

property Domain
property EndIndex
property NoPoints
property StartIndex
property Step
property Type
class daeArrayRange
__init__((object)self, (daeDomainIndex)domainIndex) None

__init__( (object)self, (daeIndexRange)indexRange) -> None

property DomainIndex
property NoPoints
property Range
property Type
class daeDEDI

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

__call__((daeDEDI)self) adouble
property Domain
property DomainBounds
property DomainPoints
class daeAction
__init__((object)self) None
Execute((daeAction)self) None

Execute( (daeAction)arg1) -> None

property RuntimeNode
property STN
property SendEventPort
property SetupNode
property StateTo
property Type
property VariableWrapper
class daeOnEventActions
property Actions
property EventPort
Execute((daeOnEventActions)arg1) None
property UserDefinedActions
class daeOnConditionActions
property Actions
property Condition
Execute((daeOnConditionActions)arg1) None
property UserDefinedActions
class daeOptimizationVariable
__init__((object)self) None
property LowerBound
property Name
property Scaling
property StartingPoint
property Type
property Units
property UpperBound
property Value
class daeObjectiveFunction
__init__((object)self) None
property AbsTolerance
property Gradients
property Name
property Residual
property Scaling
property Value
class daeOptimizationConstraint
__init__((object)self) None
property AbsTolerance
property Gradients
property Name
property Residual
property Scaling
property Type
property Value
class daeMeasuredVariable
__init__((object)self) None
property AbsTolerance
property Gradients
property Name
property Residual
property Scaling
property Value Functions









Constant( (quantity)value) -> adouble






dt((adouble)ad) adouble
d((adouble)ad, (daeDomain)domain[, (daeeDiscretizationMethod)discretizationMethod=pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eCFDM[, (dict)options={}]]) adouble
d2((adouble)ad, (daeDomain)domain[, (daeeDiscretizationMethod)discretizationMethod=pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eCFDM[, (dict)options={}]]) adouble
dt_array((adouble_array)adarr) adouble_array
d_array((adouble_array)adarr, (daeDomain)domain[, (daeeDiscretizationMethod)discretizationMethod=pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eCFDM[, (dict)options={}]]) adouble_array
d2_array((adouble_array)adarr, (daeDomain)domain[, (daeeDiscretizationMethod)discretizationMethod=pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eCFDM[, (dict)options={}]]) adouble_array
Time() adouble
Constant((float)value) adouble

Constant( (quantity)value) -> adouble

Array((list)values) adouble_array
Sum((adouble_array)adarray) adouble
Product((adouble_array)adarray) adouble
Integral((adouble_array)adarray) adouble
Average((adouble_array)adarray) adouble

7.1.2. Auto-differentiation and equation evaluation tree support Classes


Class adouble operates on values/derivatives of domains, parameters and variables.


Class adouble_array operates on arrays of values/derivatives of domains, parameters and variables.


class adouble

Class adouble operates on values/derivatives of domains, parameters and variables. It supports basic mathematical operators (+, -, , /, *), comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=), logical operators and (&), or (|) and not (~), and mathematical functions (sqrt, exp, sin, cos, …). Operands can be instances of adouble or float values.

__init__((object)self[, (float)value=0.0[, (float)derivative=0.0[, (bool)gatherInfo=False[, (adNode)node=0]]]]) None
property Derivative
property GatherInfo

Internally used by the framework.

property Node

Contains the equation evaluation node.

NodeAsLatex((adouble)arg1) str
NodeAsPlainText((adouble)arg1) str
property Value
abs((adouble)arg1) adouble
arccos((adouble)arg1) adouble
arccosh((adouble)arg1) adouble
arcsin((adouble)arg1) adouble
arcsinh((adouble)arg1) adouble
arctan((adouble)arg1) adouble
arctan2((adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) adouble
arctanh((adouble)arg1) adouble
ceil((adouble)arg1) adouble
cos((adouble)arg1) adouble
cosh((adouble)arg1) adouble
erf((adouble)arg1) adouble
exp((adouble)arg1) adouble
fabs((adouble)arg1) adouble
floor((adouble)arg1) adouble
log((adouble)arg1) adouble
log10((adouble)arg1) adouble
sin((adouble)arg1) adouble
sinh((adouble)arg1) adouble
sqrt((adouble)arg1) adouble
tan((adouble)arg1) adouble
tanh((adouble)arg1) adouble
class adouble_array

Class adouble_array operates on arrays of values/derivatives of domains, parameters and variables. It supports basic mathematical operators (+, -, , /, *) and functions (sqrt, exp, sin, cos,…). Operands can be instances of adouble_array, adouble or float values.

__init__((object)self[, (bool)gatherInfo=False[, (adNodeArray)node=0]]) None
static FromList((list)values) adouble_array :

Returns adouble_array object from the list of adouble objects

static FromNumpyArray((object)values) adouble_array :

Returns adouble_array object from the ndarray of adouble objects

property GatherInfo

Used internally by the framework.

property Node

Contains the equation evaluation node.

NodeAsLatex((adouble_array)arg1) str
NodeAsPlainText((adouble_array)arg1) str
abs((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arccos((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arccosh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arcsin((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arcsinh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arctan((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
arctan2((adouble_array)arg1, (adouble_array)arg2) adouble_array
arctanh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
ceil((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
cos((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
cosh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
erf((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
exp((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
fabs((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
floor((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
log((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
log10((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
sin((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
sinh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
sqrt((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
tan((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
tanh((adouble_array)arg1) adouble_array
class daeCondition

Since it is not allowed to overload Python’s operators and, or and not they cannot be used to define logical comparison operations; therefore, the bitwise operators &, | and ~ are overloaded and should be used instead.

__or__((daeCondition)self, (daeCondition)right) daeCondition

Bitwise operator or (\) in DAE Tools is used as a logical comparison operator or.

__and__((daeCondition)self, (daeCondition)right) daeCondition

Bitwise operator and (&) in DAE Tools is used as a logical comparison operator and.

__inv__((daeCondition)self, (daeCondition)right) daeCondition

Bitwise inversion operator (~) in DAE Tools is used as a logical comparison operator not.

RuntimeNodeAsLatex((daeCondition)arg1) str
RuntimeNodeAsPlainText((daeCondition)arg1) str
SetupNodeAsLatex((daeCondition)arg1) str
SetupNodeAsPlainText((daeCondition)arg1) str Mathematical functions


Exp( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Log( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Log10( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Sqrt( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Pow( (adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble


Sin( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Cos( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Tan( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ASin( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ACos( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ATan( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Sinh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Cosh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Tanh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ASinh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ACosh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ATanh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


ATan2( (adouble_array)arg1, (adouble_array)arg2) -> adouble_array


Erf( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Ceil( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Floor( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Abs( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array


Min( (float)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble


Max( (float)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble

Exp((adouble)arg1) adouble

Exp( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Log((adouble)arg1) adouble

Log( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Log10((adouble)arg1) adouble

Log10( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Sqrt((adouble)arg1) adouble

Sqrt( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Pow((adouble)arg1, (float)arg2) adouble

Pow( (adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble

Pow( (float)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble

Sin((adouble)arg1) adouble

Sin( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Cos((adouble)arg1) adouble

Cos( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Tan((adouble)arg1) adouble

Tan( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ASin((adouble)arg1) adouble

ASin( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ACos((adouble)arg1) adouble

ACos( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ATan((adouble)arg1) adouble

ATan( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Sinh((adouble)arg1) adouble

Sinh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Cosh((adouble)arg1) adouble

Cosh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Tanh((adouble)arg1) adouble

Tanh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ASinh((adouble)arg1) adouble

ASinh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ACosh((adouble)arg1) adouble

ACosh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ATanh((adouble)arg1) adouble

ATanh( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

ATan2((adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) adouble

ATan2( (adouble_array)arg1, (adouble_array)arg2) -> adouble_array

Erf((adouble)arg1) adouble

Erf( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Ceil((adouble)arg1) adouble

Ceil( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Floor((adouble)arg1) adouble

Floor( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Abs((adouble)arg1) adouble

Abs( (adouble_array)arg1) -> adouble_array

Min((adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) adouble

Min( (float)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble

Min( (adouble)arg1, (float)arg2) -> adouble

Min( (adouble_array)adarray) -> adouble

Max((adouble)arg1, (adouble)arg2) adouble

Max( (float)arg1, (adouble)arg2) -> adouble

Max( (adouble)arg1, (float)arg2) -> adouble

Max( (adouble_array)adarray) -> adouble

7.1.3. Auxiliary classes



class daeVariableWrapper
__init__((object)self, (daeVariable)variable[, (str)name='']) None

__init__( (object)self, (adouble)ad [, (str)name=’’]) -> None

property DomainIndexes
property Name
property OverallIndex
property Value
property Variable
property VariableType
class daeConfig
__contains__((daeConfig)self, (object)propertyPath) object
__getitem__((daeConfig)self, (object)propertyPath) object
__setitem__((daeConfig)self, (object)propertyPath, (object)value) None
property ConfigFileName
GetBoolean((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath[, (bool)defaultValue]) bool
GetFloat((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath[, (float)defaultValue]) float
GetInteger((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath[, (int)defaultValue]) int
GetString((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath[, (str)defaultValue]) str
Reload((daeConfig)self) None
SetBoolean((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath, (bool)value) None
SetFloat((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath, (float)value) None
SetInteger((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath, (int)value) None
SetString((daeConfig)self, (str)propertyPath, (str)value) None
has_key((daeConfig)self, (object)propertyPath) object
class daeNodeGraph(rootLabel, node)[source]
__init__(rootLabel, node)[source]
SaveGraph(filename, layout='dot')[source]
SaveGraph(filename, layout='dot')[source]

7.1.4. Auxiliary functions







daeVersion([(bool)includeBuild=False]) str
daeVersionMajor() int
daeVersionMinor() int
daeVersionBuild() int
daeGetConfig() object
daeSetConfigFile((str)arg1) None

7.1.5. Enumerations






















class daeeDomainType
eArray = pyCore.daeeDomainType.eArray
eDTUnknown = pyCore.daeeDomainType.eDTUnknown
eStructuredGrid = pyCore.daeeDomainType.eStructuredGrid
eUnstructuredGrid = pyCore.daeeDomainType.eUnstructuredGrid
class daeeParameterType
eBool = pyCore.daeeParameterType.eBool
eInteger = pyCore.daeeParameterType.eInteger
ePTUnknown = pyCore.daeeParameterType.ePTUnknown
eReal = pyCore.daeeParameterType.eReal
class daeePortType
eInletPort = pyCore.daeePortType.eInletPort
eOutletPort = pyCore.daeePortType.eOutletPort
eUnknownPort = pyCore.daeePortType.eUnknownPort
class daeeDiscretizationMethod
eBFDM = pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eBFDM
eCFDM = pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eCFDM
eDMUnknown = pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eDMUnknown
eFFDM = pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eFFDM
eUpwindCCFV = pyCore.daeeDiscretizationMethod.eUpwindCCFV
class daeeDomainBounds
eClosedClosed = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eClosedClosed
eClosedOpen = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eClosedOpen
eDBUnknown = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eDBUnknown
eLowerBound = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eLowerBound
eOpenClosed = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eOpenClosed
eOpenOpen = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eOpenOpen
eUpperBound = pyCore.daeeDomainBounds.eUpperBound
class daeeInitialConditionMode
eAlgebraicValuesProvided = pyCore.daeeInitialConditionMode.eAlgebraicValuesProvided
eICTUnknown = pyCore.daeeInitialConditionMode.eICTUnknown
eQuasiSteadyState = pyCore.daeeInitialConditionMode.eQuasiSteadyState
class daeeDomainIndexType
eConstantIndex = pyCore.daeeDomainIndexType.eConstantIndex
eDITUnknown = pyCore.daeeDomainIndexType.eDITUnknown
eDomainIterator = pyCore.daeeDomainIndexType.eDomainIterator
eIncrementedDomainIterator = pyCore.daeeDomainIndexType.eIncrementedDomainIterator
eLastPointInDomain = pyCore.daeeDomainIndexType.eLastPointInDomain
class daeeRangeType
eRaTUnknown = pyCore.daeeRangeType.eRaTUnknown
eRange = pyCore.daeeRangeType.eRange
eRangeDomainIndex = pyCore.daeeRangeType.eRangeDomainIndex
class daeIndexRangeType
eAllPointsInDomain = pyCore.daeIndexRangeType.eAllPointsInDomain
eCustomRange = pyCore.daeIndexRangeType.eCustomRange
eIRTUnknown = pyCore.daeIndexRangeType.eIRTUnknown
eRangeOfIndexes = pyCore.daeIndexRangeType.eRangeOfIndexes
class daeeOptimizationVariableType
eBinaryVariable = pyCore.daeeOptimizationVariableType.eBinaryVariable
eContinuousVariable = pyCore.daeeOptimizationVariableType.eContinuousVariable
eIntegerVariable = pyCore.daeeOptimizationVariableType.eIntegerVariable
class daeeModelLanguage
eCDAE = pyCore.daeeModelLanguage.eCDAE
eMLNone = pyCore.daeeModelLanguage.eMLNone
ePYDAE = pyCore.daeeModelLanguage.ePYDAE
class daeeConstraintType
eEqualityConstraint = pyCore.daeeConstraintType.eEqualityConstraint
eInequalityConstraint = pyCore.daeeConstraintType.eInequalityConstraint
class daeeUnaryFunctions
eAbs = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eAbs
eArcCos = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcCos
eArcCosh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcCosh
eArcSin = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcSin
eArcSinh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcSinh
eArcTan = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcTan
eArcTanh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eArcTanh
eCeil = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eCeil
eCos = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eCos
eCosh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eCosh
eExp = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eExp
eFloor = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eFloor
eLn = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eLn
eLog = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eLog
eScaling = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eScaling
eSign = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eSign
eSin = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eSin
eSinh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eSinh
eSqrt = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eSqrt
eTan = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eTan
eTanh = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eTanh
eUFUnknown = pyCore.daeeUnaryFunctions.eUFUnknown
class daeeBinaryFunctions
eArcTan2 = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eArcTan2
eBFUnknown = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eBFUnknown
eDivide = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eDivide
eMax = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eMax
eMin = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eMin
eMinus = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eMinus
eMulti = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.eMulti
ePlus = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.ePlus
ePower = pyCore.daeeBinaryFunctions.ePower
class daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions
eAverage = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eAverage
eMaxInArray = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eMaxInArray
eMinInArray = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eMinInArray
eProduct = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eProduct
eSUFUnknown = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eSUFUnknown
eSum = pyCore.daeeSpecialUnaryFunctions.eSum
class daeeLogicalUnaryOperator
eNot = pyCore.daeeLogicalUnaryOperator.eNot
eUOUnknown = pyCore.daeeLogicalUnaryOperator.eUOUnknown
class daeeLogicalBinaryOperator
eAnd = pyCore.daeeLogicalBinaryOperator.eAnd
eBOUnknown = pyCore.daeeLogicalBinaryOperator.eBOUnknown
eOr = pyCore.daeeLogicalBinaryOperator.eOr
class daeeConditionType
eCTUnknown = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eCTUnknown
eEQ = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eEQ
eGT = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eGT
eGTEQ = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eGTEQ
eLT = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eLT
eLTEQ = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eLTEQ
eNotEQ = pyCore.daeeConditionType.eNotEQ
class daeeActionType
eChangeState = pyCore.daeeActionType.eChangeState
eReAssignOrReInitializeVariable = pyCore.daeeActionType.eReAssignOrReInitializeVariable
eSendEvent = pyCore.daeeActionType.eSendEvent
eUnknownAction = pyCore.daeeActionType.eUnknownAction
eUserDefinedAction = pyCore.daeeActionType.eUserDefinedAction
class daeeEquationType
eAlgebraic = pyCore.daeeEquationType.eAlgebraic
eETUnknown = pyCore.daeeEquationType.eETUnknown
eExplicitODE = pyCore.daeeEquationType.eExplicitODE
eImplicitODE = pyCore.daeeEquationType.eImplicitODE
class daeeModelType
eDAE = pyCore.daeeModelType.eDAE
eMTUnknown = pyCore.daeeModelType.eMTUnknown
eODE = pyCore.daeeModelType.eODE
eSteadyState = pyCore.daeeModelType.eSteadyState

7.1.6. Global constants


int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer


int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer


int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

cnAlgebraic = 0

int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+’ or ‘-’ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100’, base=0) 4

cnDifferential = 1

int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+’ or ‘-’ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100’, base=0) 4

cnAssigned = 2

int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+’ or ‘-’ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100’, base=0) 4