7.13. DAE Tools Simulator¶
7.13.1. Overview¶
7.13.2. Classes¶
- class daeSimulationExplorer(qt_app, simulation, **kwargs)[source]¶
- property jsonRuntimeSettings¶
- property runtimeSettings¶
- class daeSimulationInspector(simulation)[source]¶
- categoryActiveStates = '___ACTIVE_STATES___'¶
- categoryDOFs = '___DOFS___'¶
- categoryDomains = '___DOMAINS___'¶
- categoryInitialConditions = '___INITIAL_CONDITIONS___'¶
- categoryParameters = '___PARAMETERS___'¶
- categoryVariablesToReport = '___VARIABLES_TO_REPORT___'¶
7.13.3. Web service classes¶
The base class for web applications/web services. |
- class NoLoggingWSGIRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)[source]¶
Request handler that suppresses logging to the stderr.
- log_message(format, *args)[source]¶
Log an arbitrary message.
This is used by all other logging functions. Override it if you have specific logging wishes.
The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the message to be logged. If the format string contains any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be specified as subsequent arguments (it’s just like printf!).
The client ip and current date/time are prefixed to every message.
Unicode control characters are replaced with escaped hex before writing the output to stderr.
- class daeWebService[source]¶
The base class for web applications/web services. Performs the low level tasks such as parsing the query to get its arguments and sending responses with results to the clients.
- getQueryArguments(environ)[source]¶
Returns the query arguments’ values as a dictionary object. Can process both GET and POST requests (double check this).
- jsonBadRequest(reason, start_response, simulationID)[source]¶
Returns the bad request error status to the client. The argument reason is a string with the exception description. It is not a fatal error, thus DO NOT delete the current object identified by its simulationID.
- jsonError(reason, start_response, simulationID)[source]¶
Returns the error status to the client. The argument reason is a string with the exception description. In case of errors always deletes the current object identified by its simulationID.
- keepRunning()[source]¶
Server will stop if at least one request has been processed and no activeObjects exist (all active objects finished with the simulation). Therefore, the server can serve multiple clients but will shutdown after all objects freed their resources and the number of active objects goes to zero.
- class fmi2Component(simulation, instanceName, guid)[source]¶
7.13.4. Web service JavaScript classes¶
- class daeWebService(address, port, webServiceName, method)¶
- daeWebService.ServerStatus¶
- daeWebService.ClearServer()¶
- daeWebService.onSuccess(httpRequest, path, args)¶
- daeWebService.onError(httpRequest, path, args)¶
- daeWebService.onConnectionFailure(path, error)¶
- daeWebService.getResponse(httpRequest)¶
- daeWebService.createHTTPRequest()¶
- daeWebService.executeFun(functionName, parameters)¶
- class daeSimulation(webService)¶
- daeSimulation.LoadSimulation(pythonFile, loadCallable, args)¶
- daeSimulation.LoadTutorial(tutorialName)¶
- daeSimulation.LoadSimulationByName(simulationName, args)¶
- daeSimulation.AvailableSimulations()¶
- daeSimulation.Finalize()¶
- daeSimulation.ModelInfo¶
- daeSimulation.Name¶
- daeSimulation.DataReporter¶
- daeSimulation.DAESolver¶
- daeSimulation.CurrentTime¶
- daeSimulation.TimeHorizon¶
- daeSimulation.ReportingInterval¶
- daeSimulation.Run()¶
- daeSimulation.SolveInitial()¶
- daeSimulation.Reinitialize()¶
- daeSimulation.Reset()¶
- daeSimulation.ReportData()¶
- daeSimulation.Integrate(stopAtDiscontinuity, reportDataAroundDiscontinuities)¶
- daeSimulation.IntegrateForTimeInterval(timeInterval, stopAtDiscontinuity, reportDataAroundDiscontinuities)¶
- daeSimulation.IntegrateUntilTime(time, stopAtDiscontinuity, reportDataAroundDiscontinuities)¶
- daeSimulation.GetParameterValue(name)¶
- daeSimulation.GetVariableValue(name)¶
- daeSimulation.GetActiveState(stnName)¶
- daeSimulation.SetParameterValue(name, value)¶
- daeSimulation.ReAssignValue(name, value)¶
- daeSimulation.ReSetInitialCondition(name, value)¶
- daeSimulation.SetActiveState(stnName, activeState)¶
- create_daetools_ws()¶
- class daeDataReporter(simulation)¶
- daeDataReporter.Value(variableName)¶
- daeDataReporter.AllValues()¶
- class daeFMI2Simulation(webService)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2Instantiate(instanceName, guid, resourceLocation)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2Terminate()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2FreeInstance()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2SetupExperiment(toleranceDefined, tolerance, startTime, stopTimeDefined, stopTime)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2EnterInitializationMode()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2ExitInitializationMode()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2Reset()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2DoStep(currentCommunicationPoint, communicationStepSize, noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2CancelStep()¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2GetReal(valReferences)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2SetReal(valReferences, values)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2GetString(valReferences)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2SetString(valReferences, values)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2GetBoolean(valReferences)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2SetBoolean(valReferences, values)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2GetInteger(valReferences)¶
- daeFMI2Simulation.fmi2SetInteger(valReferences, values)¶